Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Year, No Resolutions

Well, we celebrated Christmas with the Steeles and Hortins in Utah, it was good to see all the family.  Julia really enjoyed seeing her grandparents and every time I am on the phone she asks to "call Grandmas" because she wants to talk to both of them.  She got everything she could want for Christmas and so did Mike and I.  He got an IPAD and I got a ski/bike rack for my car.  Mike is putting it on this week and if it ever snows, I'll get to use it for my new winter love: cross-country skiing!  We are pretty boring people, so there isn't much more to say, but boring suits us just fine.  So see ya!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Well it is November and I can't believe that 2010 is almost 2011 equals my 10-year high school reunion....yikes! Acutally, it isn't that scary, I just can't believe that it has been almost 10 years since I graduated. 

We had a fun Halloween, we celebrated the night before on Saturday at our church's trunk or treat and chili cook-off.  Since it is Alaska, it of course snowed, and everyone wore their coats and we couldn't tell what anyone was.  Julia was a Chicago Cubs cheerleader, she was so cute.  We bought 2 industrial sized bags of candy and ended up only having 10 trick-or-treaters.  I sent the rest of the candy with Mike to work, because I really don't need it. 

My goal for November is to write one unique "I'm thankful for" everyday, I am posting these on Facebook.  I have definitely felt a difference in my attitude.  Although, I must say my motivation and energy level were in the toilet today.  I am blaming it on the foggy day and the 16 degree weather we had.  That is all for tonight.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Crazy week

Well, this was quite the week.  Julia and I started off being sick and staying home and in bed for a few days.  And then Mike got it.  We are all recovering and hopefully we won't get as much sickness as we did last winter.  Julia is completely pacifier-free.  One morning she woke up had the pacifier bulb in her mouth and the pacifier holder in her hand, that was when I decided she was done with the pacifier.  If that had happened in her sleep, she would have choked without our knowledge.  To show what a easy-going child she is, the first night without the pacifier, she cried for 30 seconds and then fell asleep.  I was worried about naptime the next day, but she talked for a few seconds and was out.  After 3 days, I figured she was weaned and threw out the pacifiers (yes I did keep them just in case she cried like a banshee, I like to sleep).  She did great and is such a great little girl.  Mike and I are so blessed to be her parents and that Heavenly Father blessed us with such a red-headed sweetheart.

Other exciting stuff that happened this week, Mike's battalion became an airborne qualified unit and they all jumped out of an airplane to mark the change.  Julia and I, along with the rest of the 6th Engineer Battalion family were allowed to watch.  It was a really fun (although cold) day.  I got it all on video and as soon as I figure out how to get it from the dvd to the computer,  we can show it to you.  We have a lot of clips on facebook, so check those out.  Watching them jump was exciting, but the landing was painful.  It looks like a ragdoll falling to the ground, only harder.  They jump at about 1000 feet and are connected to a static line (rip cord) that opens the chute from the airplane.  It is quite an operation.  Mike had a hard time getting untwisted so his landing was a little harder than he wanted, his back and hip hurt, but he seems to be doing good now. 

So that has been our week, Julia weaned off the pacifier like a champ and Mike jumped out of a plane.  Julia is getting so big and can now put a puzzle together and recognizes the letters A and J.  She loves to sing Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes and Itsy, Bitsy Spider.  I am still working on-call in the NICU and my last assignment I had a 1 pound baby and a 10 pound baby, it was fun going from the littlest baby in the NICU to the biggest baby in the unit, I wish I could have put them side by side and taken a picture, but that is against HIPPA and they weren't stable enough to do it, but I have the picture in my mind and I get a chuckle out of it every time I think of it.  We are doing good, just not ready for the cold, long winter ahead of us; the highs are in the 30's right now.  But, Alaska is a beautiful place and we are glad to have this experience.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Starting a blog

Ok everybody, I finally got on the blogging bandwagon.  While we were in Hawaii I thought how I wanted to share our adventure with family (and anyone who else is interested)...  We had a great trip.  We went to the beach everyday, hung out with friends, went to a luau, kayak and snorkeling, plantation, USS Arizona Memorial, Polynesian Cultural Center, and we even went cliff-jumping.  Julia loved the beach and the water; I loved the warmth and sunshine and Mike loved the rest and relaxation.  We are all glad to be back home and getting back into our daily routine, although we all miss the warmth.

Once I get the hang of this blogging thing, I will post pics and updates when I can.  A little about us.  Mike is in the Army and I am a mom and work on-call at the hospital in the NICU. In 2010 we have been married for 6 years. We have a beautiful daughter who is the joy of our life.  We move every couple years and I will post pics of each place we've lived.  Anyway, here we are adn here we go...