Friday, September 24, 2010

Starting a blog

Ok everybody, I finally got on the blogging bandwagon.  While we were in Hawaii I thought how I wanted to share our adventure with family (and anyone who else is interested)...  We had a great trip.  We went to the beach everyday, hung out with friends, went to a luau, kayak and snorkeling, plantation, USS Arizona Memorial, Polynesian Cultural Center, and we even went cliff-jumping.  Julia loved the beach and the water; I loved the warmth and sunshine and Mike loved the rest and relaxation.  We are all glad to be back home and getting back into our daily routine, although we all miss the warmth.

Once I get the hang of this blogging thing, I will post pics and updates when I can.  A little about us.  Mike is in the Army and I am a mom and work on-call at the hospital in the NICU. In 2010 we have been married for 6 years. We have a beautiful daughter who is the joy of our life.  We move every couple years and I will post pics of each place we've lived.  Anyway, here we are adn here we go...